Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pictures....they do say a 1000 words....

When you wait, you ache.  There’s no getting around it. Whatever we wait for there’s a sense of an ache.  Well, we ache as we wait for our boys.  Yes, there are good things in waiting, but right now, it’s just hard to know that they are millions of miles away ...without their family....and we are living each day with plenty.  There’s been such beauty though in the ashes of waiting.  Each day our prayers are growing.  I’m so amazed to be encouraged to hear the cries to our God by our children.  They know and believe (sometimes more than I do...most times!) that our God will meet the needs of orphans ...and ‘our boys’.  When we pray their food will nourish and satisfy, we start appreciating what we’re eating more.  Somehow the ache leads to compassion.  I pray those boys (or any orphans) don’t have to wait 1 more day than necessary for God’s purposes. That said, I do believe the ache of the wait accomplishes much.  We cry out; we ask and we seek what we can’t muster.  Sometimes we’ll have a tear.  I wonder, how can that be...we haven’t even met these boys?!  And then I don’t wonder for long.  It’s not just these boys we’ve fallen in love’s God’s heart.  HE has become clearer to us in this whole process.  Not with 20/20 vision...that’s reserved for glory...but with a clarity that only He can give.  For that, I’m glad we wait. 

So what do pictures have to do with this?  We get pictures of our boys @ 1 month.  It’s like not seeing family in a while and then...ahhh...the hugs.  It’s home.  I cry as I see how they’ve grown.  I shout with praise that they’ve GROWN...they’re getting food!  I ache again...for when I can say...Momma is here...and Jesus has been all along. 
Today was picture day...not school pictures but update pictures...they’re really real...they’re really growing!  So again, the ache turns to prayers of “ them, love them, comfort them...because you can”.  Our God did not leave us as orphans and came to us.  I’m so glad.  For I am no different than our sons...left to myself, nothing...but left in God’s hands, everything! 

A picture is worth 1000 words...but not worth a real hug and kiss...soon boys...have hope! Our God is great!

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