Friday, April 29, 2011

Court Appointment.... (again from when we were in Addis)

from an email...
Greetings from Ethiopia!
As if God had not opened the floodgates of blessings enough, today topped them all!! After a time of WAITing in the court holding room, we were invited before the judge.  She asked us several questions and w/o our knowing what was next, the words that will forever be etched on my heart came: THEY ARE YOURS!!!!

Totally, irrevocably, forever...YOURS!! In that moment (though It was quick!) I realized that the Lord was simultaneously reminding me that I AM HIS!!!! I got the parallels before but right then and there, the God of the universe was calling my name out as settled...adopted forever.

That would have been sufficient,but it didn't stop there.  Our orphanage rep said, we were going to be the first to show up at the US Embassy and try something new to speed this along.  We had a quick visit with OUR SONS and then paperwork before heading to this unplanned Embassy appt.  Well, there we learn others were trying to do the same and were denied.  So, it was worth a try I figured.  But no...there we were taking oath and getting a jump-start on the Embassy process. We think it's going to be sooner than later but all tbd.

I share these details so you see your prayers have been specifically heard...for us, but more importantly that we all would see His glory.  We have to say our good byes tomorrow, but they really seem like a 'see you soon'.  Same for us...Jesus says see you soon...and we have no clue.  He knows what's coming is better...and we know what's coming (although hard) is better for our sons. 

Rejoice in these blessings with us!!
Pictures to follow as soon as we get home!!!

To God be the glory,

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