Friday, February 1, 2013

Being 'the friends' and 'the paralytic'

So when I last posted it seemed that 7 weeks would be ‘long enough’ to start processing and talking here about all the things stirring.  Well, I don’t seem to be as ‘structured’ as I use to be about my time.  Maybe it’s a season with littles and teens (therefore someone always saying ‘mom’ or standing right in front of me); maybe it’s the sporadic flares of ‘illness’; maybe it’s me getting older so I can only ‘think’ during the daytime when I can’t write’; maybe it’s just all so unclear to my own heart that I don’t even know how to give it words.  REGARDLESS, my DESIRE is to share because it’s! 

I hit a point last week where I realized, ‘Oh my! I did not think through the weight of the brokenness we would see and enter into’.  Yea, silly me, right? I mean I ‘knew’ but I didn’t ‘go there’ until last week as I began to pray specifically through our itinerary.  As I did, I started seeing, hearing, taste, smelling much of what I remember about Ethiopia.  It truly is a place of ‘sensory overload’ and I think it awakened and numbed me all at the same time.  Also, we began asking others (many of YOU) to partner with us.  Truly, I began to realize the ways others prayers would have to be what carries us, I can’t. 

Please pray for us as we start getting our ‘details’ together as a team and individually.  In addition, I have NOT received any direct address information about how to find our boy’s families there (umm...there aren’t hut #s or addresses like we think).  Of course they may or may not even be there still.  We know they were placed in an orphanage in Dale we’ll be mighty close.  Pray God will give us favor to somehow find them. Again, this isn’t the purpose of our trip, but what seemed like a possibility as we stepped into it.

So that’s where we are... aware of what’s ahead, awakened to the reality and dependent on others sending and carrying us.  It’s humbling and thrilling! It reminds me of the accounts in the Gospels of Jesus healing the paralytic.  You know, the one where the friends had to lower the paralyzed man down through the roof and PUT HIM IN FRONT OF JESUS!  Oh, to be that man is not easy, but it sure would be amazing.  Think about the beauty in this.  At times we are called to be 'the friends'...lowering, hoping and asking on another's behalf and at times we're the paralytic.  On this trip, I feel like I get to be both...'the paralytic' as we prep and go as well as 'the friend' of who I'll be led to serve in Ethiopia. 

Stay tuned too, been brewing (with my awesome friend) on a blog for this trip and beyond.  Let’s just say...starting CONSIDERING how you too can be humbled, thrilled and see Jesus! 

If you're interested in partnering financially, you can send any tax-deductible donations to:
WEPC (West End Pres Church)
9008 Quioccasin Road
Richmond, VA 23229
They will send you a receipt and notify us of your support:)

Our sincere gratitude in advance for your partnership in prayer and/or financial support! Blessed!


Heather Pike Agnello said...
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Heather Pike Agnello said...

So thrilled for you, Cindy, & can't wait to hear more - both before & after:-)!!!

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