Tuesday, July 12, 2011

more 1sts...

Jacob downed his 1st Ice cream before I could even get a picture until he was DONE. Jeremiah on the other hand had to be coerced into trying it...this was that first taste...

What a gift from the Lord! Aster and her kids are a connection through a friend, Angie. She SPEAKS THE BOYS' LANGUAGE, AMHARIC! So we arrive home on a Thursday afternoon and she's here on Friday talking and praising the boys. They had not been themselves (that we saw in Africa). When she left (and didn't take them), they were back to their babbling selves. She assured them that Mommy and Daddy were glad to have them home with their family and they were loved. We also got to see her at the pool not many days later. WHAT A GIFT!!

The beginning of carseat sadness...

You would have thought they'd been in a pool before! Even though they were just learning to sit in the bathtub, they seem to know how to hold their breath for the water! what a fun time to watch their joy over swimming!!Justin (and the rest of the clan and Eagles' clan made it such fun!)

We be jammin' seems to be the norm...and the sillier the better for Jacob! Jeremiah likes his straight up and pure! Video to come...

1 comment:

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Beautiful, amazing, miraculous!

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