Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random pictures...

There was a 'farewell party' at the boys' orphanage. I had to pick a pix where you couldn't see many kids. BUT...there are a whole bunch of kids that end up crowding and praising GOD! Our boys opted to hang close to us and that was fine. We didn't need them to dance and sing when the option of saying 'i'm not leaving my new mom and dad's side' was there!!! Video to come later..

See them? Jeremiah's running up to the moving van...Jacob in the background! It was our first glimpse after 8 weeks and so hard to be the last out of the van watching their faces wonder where we were! but we arrived...and they remembered;)

I know I've said it before, but the gate opening was profound for me. It just reminded me on so many levels of the HEAVENLY GATES that are opened today and FOREVERMORE!! OUR boys were always 'kept' by our God, but now they get to live that outside of these gates!

At breakfast the first morning, Jacob just rested his hand on mind, kept eating and then just would look me in the eyes. When you don't have words, the actions SAY IT ALL!! Thank you Jesus FOR HOLDING MY HAND AND KEEPING MY GAZE thru this journey!

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